Saturday 12 November 2011

Moodboards for chosen Opening Credits

Yes Man
The opening trailer for 'Yes Man' is based on bright neon colours and paint dripping. It is extremely fast paced, with paint splattering everywhere as the camera moves 90 to 180 degrees. The font used is extremely simple, sans serif and bold. Lines, squiggles and triangular shapes appears quickly and then disappear off the screen, and most frames are led into each other by a painted line. The mood of these credits is quite quirky and upbeat.

References for images used in this moodboard:

Number 23
The background for this trailer is a sort of parchment paper. The text is a type writer font with numerous ink smudges. The camera changes rames quite statically, constantly jerking around and zooming in and out quickly. Letters within words change rapidly, and the numebr 23 is seen numerous times throughout. Blood stains seep into the paper, eventually becoming thicker and more frequent towards the end of the opening credits. There are many times the camera zooms in to letters close up which is extremely effective. The mood is quite sinister and tense.

References for images used in this moodboard:

Going The Distance
The opening titles for this film are really upbeat, playful and feminine. They are focused specifically on travel, with many plane tickets, famous landscapes and maps visible throughout. Black smooth lines run throught the different frames, twisting and turning into different shapes such as dashes and hearts.There is a large use of clipart throughout such as the aeroplane and telephone. The camera appears to take a relatively linear route, following the frames from left to right.

References for images used in this moodboard:

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